CYO Sports

Students at St. Aloysius School are invited to participate in CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) sports sponsored by St. Aloysius Parish.

St. Aloysius CYO Athletic Board

The St. Aloysius CYO Athletic Board was organized for the purpose of expanding  the athletic opportunities at St. Aloysius Parish. The goal is to provide a variety of sports activities for parish/school youth.  The CYO sport program is affiliated with the Parish, not the school.  All communication to the CYO Board should be directed through the parish office. Usage of Hartmann Hall for after school sports events is also handled through the parish office.

CYO Sports that are offered include:

KR-8 Cross Country (Boys and Girls)
Grades 3-8 Girls Volleyball 
Grades 3-8 Basketball (Boys and Girls)
Grades 3 (limited events) -8 Track (Boys and Girls)

More information can be found on the parish web site