Mission Statement of the St. Aloysius School Library:
“To enrich and support the school environment by providing intellectual and physical access to educational materials in a variety of forms; Providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing and using information and ideas; Working with staff to design learning strategies to meet the needs of students and the classroom curriculum.”
St. Aloysius has a centralized library, which houses over 10,000 books, videos and DVDs. All titles are listed in the library computer. Classes visit the library once each week. Library volunteers assist children in locating research material and helping, particularly the younger children, locate books within their reading ability level. Volunteers also help check out books, shelve books, keep the library in order and read to younger children. Donations of new or gently used books/videos are accepted upon approval of the Librarian and Principal.
Children are encouraged to borrow books from the library and are reminded of the necessity to take proper care of books borrowed. Students must also be responsible to return books on time. Book fines will be charged according to the extent of damage. Examples of damage are: writing or coloring in a book, torn pages/covers, loose pages, broken spines, extremely soiled cover/paged, etc.
If a book is lost, full payment for the book is required. Overdue fines of .10 are also charged each day the book is overdue beginning in grade 3. Once a three dollar fine limit is reached no additional books may be checked out until the overdue book is returned and the fine is paid. No grade cards will be issued to a student having outstanding debt or books at the end of each quarter.