Dress Code

St. Aloysius School has a standardized dress code. The purpose of this policy is to promote learning, self
esteem, unity and discipline among the students, to be more cost effective for families, and to enhance the school’s
image to the community as a Catholic institution that believes that dress and grooming standards are important for
good learning to occur. All students in grades KR through 8 are required to follow the dress code policy. All clothing
must be neat, clean, in good repair and not faded.

The dress code is built around the Schoolbelles uniform line. (www.schoolbelles.com/myschool/M37/s1475) Some families may choose to
wear the uniform exclusively, while others may opt to mix and match with the other permitted clothing. (See list) Still
others may choose not to purchase the uniforms at all and only wear the other allowed colors and styles of clothing
on the list. This type of clothing is available at most department and discount stores.
The opportunity to purchase or sell used or outgrown uniforms will be presented each year.

Standardized Dress Code for Grades KR-8
Boys/Girls: Any pieces of Schoolbelles uniform line approved by school council (see catalogue)
In addition to the Schoolbelles uniform line the following clothing may be worn:


 Navy blue or khaki (tan) pants may be worn in twill or corduroy fabric only. The allowed pants are uniform
style pants such as those that can be purchased from Schoolbelles, Lands End, Kohls, Old Navy,
Children’s Place, etc.

 No cargo pockets are permitted.

 No jeans or jeans styled pants (no rivets, no denim)

 No stretch pants, stirrup pants, sweat pants, wind suits, or warm-up suits.

 No bib-overall type pants.

 Pants must be worn at waist level (low rise pants are not permitted).

 Pants must not be oversized or too tight.

 No underwear should be visible (i.e. boxers, briefs or thongs)

 Girls may wear stretch pants/leggings or tights under skirts, jumpers and dresses in solid navy blue,
white, tan/khaki or gray.


 May be worn during the months of April-June, August-October only.

 Navy blue or khaki (tan) walking shorts (knee length or just above the knee). Permitted shorts are uniform
style shorts such as those that can be purchased at Schoolbelles, Lands End, Kohls, Old Navy, Children’s
Place, etc.

 No cargo pockets are permitted.

 No short shorts, stretch shorts, biking shorts, or athletic type shorts.

 The principal has the discretion to extend the wearing of shorts due to weather conditions.

 Length must be no shorter than 3 inches above the middle of the knee.

Exception: Girls may wear attached or detached shorts under a skirt that are not visible below the hemline.
The shorts must be a solid color.


 Button down collar shirts, polo type shirts (with or without a banded bottom), fold-down collar, turtlenecks
or blouses with collars may be worn.

 Must be solid white, pastel blue, or navy blue. In addition, 8th grade students have a special class polo shirt
in a different color and design that is exclusively for 8th grade students.

 No camisoles should be visible.

 Long sleeved crew neck shirts (in approved school colors) can be worn under short sleeve shirts. Layering
two short sleeve shirts is permitted only if the top uniform shirt is the only visible shirt (except at the

 Shirts should be long enough to be tucked in.

 Shirts should be the correct size (tight shirts that cannot be tucked in are not permitted).

 All shirts must be tucked in with the exception of banded shirts.


 St. Aloysius School sweatshirts or other pullovers purchased through school approved vendors, are the
only items permitted to be worn over an approved collared shirt. Order forms will be sent home for these
items or families can order at their convenience from 1stplacespiritwear.com.

When shopping look for items with the diamond logo on navy, white or gray for dress code sweatshirts or zip ups.

Items with our retired school logo (two faced lion) are also permitted.

 “Spirit Wear” or team sweatshirts are only permitted on Fridays during the season as described below.


 Navy blue, khaki (tan), or approved Schoolbelles plaid jumpers or skirts may be worn.

 Dresses must be solid in color (Navy, pastel blue, khaki/tan) with a collar.

 Length must be no shorter than 3 inches above the middle of the knee.


 May be worn in solid white, khaki (tan), or navy blue over an approved collared shirt only.


 Plain belts, solid black, navy, brown, tan, gray or white in color are to be worn by all students in Grades 4
through 8.


 Girls headbands and hair ribbons may be the school plaid, white, khaki (tan), pastel blue, pastel yellow,
navy blue, brown, black, clear, gray, silver or gold (non-metallic). A combination of these colors is
permitted. No sequins or glitter permitted.

 No bandanas are allowed to be worn as headbands or belts

 Headbands that drop past the neckline are not allowed


 Socks must be worn at all times (blue or white tights are also permitted as noted above).


 Athletic shoes or dress shoes are permitted.

 No sequins or lights are permitted.

 No open toed shoes, sandals, flip flops or “barefoot/toe” shoes.

 No open backed or plastic shoes.

 All shoes must be clean and without holes.

 Shoes with laces must be tied.

 Grades 5-8 only: Fashion boots may be worn if they are plain brown, black, white, tan, navy or gray.
However, for safety reasons, fashion boots are not to be worn in gym class, at recess, or in place of snow
boots. Snow boots are to be worn to school, when necessary, and students are to change into appropriate
shoes for classroom wear. No steel toed boots, please. Fashion boots are not permitted in grades KR-4.


 Earrings are discouraged for safety reasons. With parental permission, students may wear one stud/ post
in each ear.

 Dangling earrings are not permitted.

 No other obvious body piercing is permitted.

 One necklace or bracelet at a time may be worn as long as it is not a distraction.


 All hair must be clean, neatly combed or styled and out of the eyes.

 No unnatural hair colors.

 No facial hair.

 No shaved heads or Mohawks.

 The principal will make the final determination as to whether a student’s hair is in violation of this code.


 No hats may be worn during the school day while inside the building.

JUNIOR HIGH FRIDAY JEANS DAYS Grades 6,7 & 8 students may wear jeans day every Friday. Jeans must be clean, untattered (no holes or frayed hems), and worn with an approved collared shirt.

JUNIOR HIGH DRESS CODE ON GYM DAYS Students in grades 6-8 are provided with a gym uniform and on gym days,they are permitted to wear that uniform for the entire school day. In place of the branded uniform, students may wear a St. Aloysius t-shirt, DARE t-shirt or a solid navy blue or yellow t-shirt to gym class. Students may also wear solid color shorts or sweatpants to gym class. These shorts must be uniform length. If students are wearing these alternate items, they must change into a regular school uniform for the rest of the day.



  • Students who participate in a CYO sports team may wear their team jerseys on Fridays during their sports season.  This includes t-shirts that are worn for competitions.  A shirt with sleeves must be worn underneath the jersey if the jersey is sleeveless.  Other team spirit wear must receive approval from the principal. 

Scout uniforms:

  • May be worn on scout meeting days.

Spirit days/Dress Down Days

  • Scheduled each month and is listed in the Schoolgram. 
  • On these days students may either participate in the spirit or theme daywear or wear the approved dress code clothing or St. Aloysius spirit clothing. Students must follow the guidelines given or wear their uniform.
  • Jeans and non-uniform tops are allowed on Spirit days/Dress Down Days for all grades.
  • If leggings are worn on a dress down day, the student must wear a skirt or dress over them.  A long shirt and leggings is not permitted.
  • In grades 5 and under, a jeans day is the same as a dress down day and includes non-uniform tops unless specifically specified otherwise.

This dress code is required to be followed by each student. Violations of the dress code will be dealt with as any other violation of school rules.